My First Bet

Well, I’ve done something new this week: I placed my first white-collar bet. I’m not exactly swimming in a stream of endless capital, and I’ve never even placed a bet in a casino! But after years and years of watching stocks and missing out on all the “big ones,” I jumped in. I signed upContinue reading “My First Bet”


I went deep on my second #pitmad experience, and it was exhausting, quite frankly. If you don’t know what #pitmad is, it’s ok. It’s niche to the publishing world. #pitmad is a pitch event…to pitch one’s book…to an agent…to get published. IMHO, and, of course, others do have different opinions, getting one’s book published byContinue reading “#pitmad”

Happy Tuesday

This is my first post on this website. I’ve also posted on Now that the internet and I have become reacquainted, and I’ve shrugged the dust off our old friendship, I’m inspired to slam the door on The-Year-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named (TYWMNBN). The WordPress template that was here before I came along suggested this, TBH, and IContinue reading “Happy Tuesday”